MedicAlert Foundation Canada Heart Month Emergency Preparedness Plan Checklist

Most leading health organizations recommend that people with chronic medical conditions wear a MedicAlert ID. In fact, the Heart & Stroke Foundation of Canada recommends that people living with heart conditions wear a MedicAlert ID as part of their emergency preparedness plan.
MedicAlert can help you be prepared in an emergency by telling paramedics:
What medications you are currently taking
- Knowing exactly what medication a heart patient is on when paramedics arrive on scene at an emergency can be crucial. Common heart medications can be extremely harmful when interacting with other medications. For example, patients with a cardiac arrhythmia, called atrial fibrillation, are at high risk for stroke and are commonly treated by anticoagulants. The major risk of anticoagulants is bleeding, and it is critical for EMS and emergency departments to know if a patient is on this medication.
Your exact medical condition
- In an emergency situation, paramedics and ER doctors must know exactly what your current and previous medical conditions are so that they can properly assess and treat you.
MedicAlert will call your emergency contacts
- The unique MedicAlert Family Notification service will directly contact a member’s loved ones listed as emergency contacts immediately after paramedics call the 24-hour hotline.