Frequently Asked Questions
Service Plans and IDs
We want you to feel confident when choosing MedicAlert. If there are any questions that haven’t been answered below, please don’t hesitate to contact us at 1.800.668.1507.
It’s easy! Visit our Homepage and navigate to the Sign Up section. You’ll be asked to create an account. From there you’ll be able to complete your profile, including your detailed health information. Select your service plan and your ID, complete your transaction, and you’re all set. You can also subscribe by calling 1.800.668.1507.
MedicAlert offers three service plans on a subscription basis and more than 200 IDs to choose from. To learn more about the cost of our service plans, visit our Susbcriptions page.
Yes, we do! MedicAlert’s Inclusion, Diversity, Equity in Action (IDEA) Program helps individuals who may be adversely impacted by social determinants of health for a variety of reasons. Learn more about the IDEA Program.
No. The ID you wear is one part of the complete MedicAlert service. First responders are trained to look for and read your ID, and then call to get more detailed information that comes from your Personal Health Record (PHR). Your PHR is the most current information about your health conditions and the key resource trusted by first responders.
Not yet. Today, your MedicAlert service involves two interconnected components: your ID which alerts first responders to your health condition(s), and your Personal Health Record which provides first responders with more detailed information. As technology and our ability to connect directly with 9-1-1 systems across Canada evolves, we’ll be able to provide service options that will not require an ID.
MedicAlert offers three services plans, including monthly and annual subscription options. Visit our Subscriptions page to learn more.
Standard on all MedicAlert IDs is your unique MedicAlert identification number that connects first responders to your Personal Health Record, as well as our 1.800 number that connects to our 24/7 Emergency Response Team. The custom engraving on your ID depends on your health conditions and what is important for first responders to know to care for you immediately in a health emergency.
Trace amounts of nickel can be found in all stainless steel products. We also carry gold and silver IDs that are nickel-free.
No. Your subscription covers unlimited updates to your Personal Health Record. In fact, we encourage you to update your record as soon as a change occurs. Whether it’s a change to your medications, an update to a de-escalation protocol, or simply a change to your email or physical address, it’s important to keep your record up to date to ensure that first responders have the most current information to work with. Our first responder partners prefer that your record is updated every 3 months.
Absolutely! In fact, in 2022 we updated our entire digital network employing the latest security features to keep your information safe.
Customer Service and Support
We know how important privacy is when it comes to handling sensitive health information. MedicAlert is compliant with all privacy legislation and enshrines your privacy protection in our Subscriber Agreement. Read our Subscriber Agreement here.
Contact MedicAlert as soon as possible following any changes to your health information. Whether it’s a change to your medications, an update to a de-escalation protocol, or simply a change to your email or physical address, it’s important to keep your record up to date to ensure that first responders have the most current information to work with. In fact, our first responder partners prefer that your record is updated every 3 months. That way they know that they are working with current information.
Your unique ID is custom-manufactured just for you. Stainless steel MedicAlert IDs typically ship within 2-3 weeks. Silver and gold IDs typically ship within 3-4 weeks. This time includes 5-10 business days for assembly and custom engraving. Standard shipping takes 5-10 business days, and XpressPost shipping takes 2-3 business days.
If it is within the warranty period, simply send your ID to us and we'll contact you with the repair updates.
Our address is:
MedicAlert Foundation Canada Inc.
Morneau Shepell Centre II
895 Don Mills Road, Suite #405
Toronto, ON
M3C 1W3
If you have ordered the wrong size, you have 15 business days to return the ID to us and we'll contact you with the resizing updates.
Our address is:
MedicAlert Foundation Canada Inc.
Morneau Shepell Centre II
895 Don Mills Road, Suite #405
Toronto, ON
M3C 1W3
If you are unsure what size ID to order, be sure to visit our product sizing page for tips on measuring your wrist size along with a helpful how-to video.
As soon as you become aware that you have lost your ID, please call 1.800.668.1507. We’ll work to get you a replacement ID as quickly as possible. We strongly recommend you have a backup ID as well to ensure that you remain protected.
If you ever find a MedicAlert ID, please give us a call at 1.800.668.1507. We’ll send a courier to pick it up to ensure it is returned to the subscriber or replaced as required.
We recommend the MedicAlert stainless steel bracelet with a small emblem. It's lightweight, easy to clean, and has a tamper-proof clasp. As your baby grows, you can get a new chain or transfer the emblem to a kid-sized band.
Most MedicAlert service plans automatically renew, so there’s no need to remember to do so. If you’re curious about your renewal date, you can always refer to your Account online.
If you are a subscriber who is not on a recurring subscription, you’ll receive a reminder about one month prior to your renewal date. We recommend that you renew one to two weeks prior to your renewal date to ensure your coverage is maintained and that you do no let your subscription lapse.
If you no longer need MedicAlert or you wish to cancel your subscription, please call us at 1.855.227.8644. Thirty days after your cancellation, your Personal Health Record, in accordance with privacy regulations, will be removed from our system and will no longer be available to first responders. We would also ask that you no longer wear your ID for safety reasons, as the information will become outdated and will no longer be useful to first responders in an emergency.
For Donors
MedicAlert takes your privacy seriously and treats your personal information with the utmost respect. We do not rent or sell our mailing list. You have the option of making any contribution anonymously if you would like to retain your privacy as a donor. You can find our Privacy Policy here.
If you are a Medicalert subscriber who also made a donation, you’ll be able to find your donation tax receipt in your Account on our website. If you are not a subscriber, you would have received a donation tax receipt via email within one week of making your donation.
Still can’t find it? Please email or call us at 1.800.668.1507 to request a duplicate by mail.
We understand the importance of knowing how your contribution is used. Our aim is to direct the maximum amount of your donation to the recipients of our charitable programs. It is also essential that we care for and treat our highly qualified staff fairly and provide them with the resources they need to continue doing their outstanding work.
MedicAlert Foundation Canada is a registered Canadian charity dedicated to responsible fundraising and asset stewardship, in addition to earned income through the sale of subscriptions. We are governed by a Board of Directors which works in the service of long-term preservation and enhancement of the organization while maintaining our aim to protect more Canadians through the MedicAlert program. Directors of the Board are responsible for ensuring MedicAlert Foundation Canada operates in conformity with its legal purpose outlined in its Letters Patent.
As a team, we are dedicated to the responsible management and oversight of MedicAlert’s financial resources. We strategically seek Board Members and Staff who are highly qualified. Currently, we have representation with the following certifications: Chartered Accountant (C.A.), Chartered Professional Accountant (C.P.A.), Master of Business Administration (M.B.A.), Fellow of the Chartered Professional Accountants (FCPA), Fellow of Chartered Accountants (FCA), and Institute of Corporate Directors, Director (ICD.D). We are confident that a high level of financial acumen is represented throughout the organization and we are operating in an ethical and efficient manner that will ensure the strength and permanence of MedicAlert.
We’re delighted that you’d like to make a gift to MedicAlert! You can reach us at Thank you for your generosity.
Mistakes happen. We can easily return your donation by refunding your credit card.
We must ensure that your tax receipt has been voided. Please forward your digital tax receipt to us at with your request and an assurance that you will erase all copies you have on file. If you received your tax receipt by mail, please void it and return it to us by mail.
Monthly donations are precious to MedicAlert because they provide us with a predictable form of revenue to support our charitable programs. They also help us to forecast our financial position more accurately for the future!
We annualize all donations made in the calendar year and send one aggregated tax receipt in the first two months of the following year.
Connect with our friendly customer service representatives at 1.800.668.1507 to enroll.
Thank you for your gift. We are grateful for our loyal supporters and want you to know what your dedication achieves.
You can expect a prompt thank you letter and tax receipt. If we have your email on file, then you’ll receive this right away. Otherwise, printed tax receipts will be sent by post and will arrive within two weeks.
We also send a welcome package to our new donors, and this arrives separately within a couple of weeks – either by mail or by email. Every year we report on the impact of our work through our annual report.