Give Meaning. Give MedicAlert

Looking for a gift that gives back? For the first time ever, the MedicAlert Foundation Canada is donating $10 from the sale of each limited edition holiday ID to its No Child Without® program — a charitable initiative aimed at providing MedicAlert protection to elementary school-age children that have medical conditions, allergies or special needs.
Back by popular demand, the limited edition 50th anniversary MedicAlert bracelet in Signature Red will be available from October 15, 2012 to December 20, 2012. Visit for more details and to shop.
"The holidays are for giving and sharing," says Robert Ridge, President and CEO, MedicAlert. "What better way to share the joy then by giving a loved one a thoughtful gift that could save their life, while providing a voice to a child in need? Children are the most vulnerable people in our society. During an emergency when their parents are not present, the impact of a health issue can be frightening and potentially tragic."
Ridge adds that the rate of chronic conditions among children — asthma, allergies, epilepsy and diabetes — is on the rise. The No Child Without® vision is to help protect all Canadian children with medical conditions by offering the program to all 12,000 elementary schools in Canada.